Monday, October 4, 2010

Rain Rain go away come again another day!

Rainy season is here in full force umbrella flipped inside out while walking to class. Put my polkadot rain boots on. The rivers are all flowing very strong and the water in the apartment is brown from the over flow of all the rain. Thank goodness for Britta! Oh and here is the doppler for tomorrow what do you think my day will be like??  
Doppler for Tomorrow....Dominica is under the white FYI
Till next time.....


  1. Well on the bright side, at least you live in the barn all day!! lol
    Love you :-*

  2. At least it's rainy and warm......up here it's rainy and cold.....brrrrrrrrr.

    Back to studies!!

  3. Hi Steph,
    I remember when I was young, my sister and I would run outside in our bare feet and jump up and down in the puddles located in the driveway to see who could get the most mud on them. Rainy days are followed by Rainbows!! Enjoy, jump in a puddle of mud and have some fun.
