Saturday, September 18, 2010

Study Break

September 18, 2010

So I am studying for my first Medical School Exam that is on Monday! Totally scary and a ton of material to memorize. So I am taking a break to say hello and tell you a funny nemonic that I learned to memorize the arterial branches from the axillary artery! 

Disclaimer: I do not mean to offend any lawyers with this nemonic I did not make it up and it is just a way to help me memorize the branches! 
Axillary Artery and Branches

The nemonic is Screw The Lawyers Save A Patient 
Superior thoracic artery
Thoraco-acromial artery
Lateral thoracic artery
Subscapular artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Posterior circumflex humeral artery 

So that's it kind of cute and it helps me remember! 

Okay back to studying but I leave you with a cute picture of Frank the Tank!!! 

Frank the Pug

Till next time...... Hopefully with the good news of an A on my exam 

1 comment:

  1. Nice I like that nemonic. I have some for lawyers as well that helped me in school lol. You are going to do great on that exam, I have no doubt in my mind!. You are the most studies and beautiful ;-), women I have ever met. We are all so very proud of you and your going to do great things!
    Frank is patiently waiting for you to get home cause you are a much better sleeping buddy than I am!! lol
    Love and miss you!!!!:-*
