Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 12 begins!!

Hello Everyone!!

          So it is week 12...OMG how the time has flown by. I have a few updates to tell you all about that I have forgotten. So this semester I was part of the PEDS club and we had two PEDS fair's where we did basic physical exams on the children and the other weekend was the second fair. In the first one I was in charge of games but this time I did the eye screening for the kids. So we had them stand 20 feet away from the chart and see how many lines they could read correctly. It was funny because the kids instead of saying the letter Z said Zed! We also checked their ocular motor muscle function and told them their basic vision. Most kids had great vision some even were 20/15!! It was also interesting because the little kids didn't always know their letters yet but wanted to try like the big kids so they would say that every letter was T or F or A! Super cute. So I also started keeping a very detailed iCalendar, showing what I do every day from 8am- about 10 or 11! It is shocking to see how busy my weeks are and it helps that they are FLYING by. Within the next three weeks I have 5 exams and then it will be time for me to come home for the holiday's! Very exciting and again I will try to keep you all posted on my life. Hope everyone enjoys the first days of winter weather!
Universal Eye Exam Chart
How far can you see?? 

So here is part of my schedule but it doesn't show 8am or after 8pm
Orange= In class
Purple= study time
Blue = Mandatory school events
Green = lunch/work
Blank = dinner/walking/random breaks

Till next time..... 

1 comment:

  1. Steph,
    Love hearing about the work you are doing with
    the local children. The next 4 weeks you will be very busy with your studies, so take one day at a time and breathe "count of 4 inhale,
    count of 4 exhale." lol xoxo
