Hey everyone... I know it has been a while so this post is going to catch you all up on all the things that have been going on in my life. Its a long one so hold on tight!
The Road that Looks like a River |
So I took my second trip to the hospital in Roseau, it is rainy season here and of course has been raining quite a bit. On the drive down to Roseau we noticed that many of the roads had flooded and that there were some rock falls from the mountains. There was even a point where a bridge no longer looked like a bridge because the water was flush with the bottom of the bridge. At one point we had to pass through what seemed to be a river instead of a road. Thank goodness we were in a large, tall bus because as we were crossing the water was coming into the van by the stairs. They said it was because of the water from the mountains and all the rain from the night before. Lucky for us on the way home most of the water from the road was cleared and there was no more rain that day. Still a sight I've never seen before!
At the hospital this time I was assigned Internal Medicine for the morning and was in the ward where my partner and I were in charge of interviewing, and giving a physical exam to our patient. Our patient was a sweet woman who tried to help us the best she could. In addition to just doing our task for the morning I saw something that I promised myself I would never become or do. I saw someone speak to this sweet older patient of ours as if she was less, as if she was a bother to them because she needed their help. Thats why we get into this profession isn't it, that is the medical profession, to HELP people and make a difference in the lives of those that cannot help themselves?! I was appalled and asked her if I could help but she turned me away from helping with the task she needed the nurse for and instead simply asked for cold water. At the hospital in Dominica you must bring your own food and water or juice etc. She said that she had water but that it was too hot (the hospital doesn't have AC and the weather here is in the high 80's every day). So I spoke with a very kind woman and she let me put the patients water in the freezer for short time while I was still in the ward, this way before I left for the morning my patient could have some cold water. It was the smallest thing I could have done and was the easiest thing I did all day but to me it was the best because it made her feel even for a minute the slightest bit better. In the afternoon I was assigned a different patient and again did an interview and physical. My partners and I presented our patients to the attending physicians and in the afternoon I got quite the lesson on language of a Dr.
So a few of the lessons on language of a Dr. that I learned from my attending physician for the day.
1) never say that you are going to QUICKLY wash your hands
2) never say that you are going to JUST do anything
3) always make your patient feel as though you are not in a rush and that they are the most important thing you have going on...because THEY ARE
4) Body language is just as important as actual verbal language so watch what your face and body are saying to your patients, attending physician, and fellow physicians
Overall my second hospital visit was interesting and enlightening...I learned a lot about not just medicine and the steps of working with patients but about myself as well!
Maggi, Renita and I with some of the kids |
Last week we also had a Ped's clinic...one of my favorite things to do on the island. When we go and give free physical exams to the children of Dominica and for those that need it they get to see our MD's that donate their time to the organization. This clinic I was in charge of general survey, so doing a head to toe exam of kids asking some questions then taking them for more specific exams like cardio and respiratory. The day is always a blast and the children just melt your heart. There was this one little girl who was so scared of everyone, she came there without her mother brought only by an older cousin and didn't want anyone to touch her at all. I was station #2 and was warned of this but decided I'd take a stab at it. I love kids and usually can get them to warm up to me. This little girl I found out loved stickers and so for every physical exam she let me do she got a sticker. When it was time to pass her off to my peers for the other exams she wasn't going anywhere and I had a new friend who was attached at my hip. She was precious and healthy, just shy and scared of all the new people and being alone so I finished her physical and brought her to get bread and juice then let her go jump in the bounce house. Working with the children remind me why I spend 13+ hours in a barn studying because one day I will get to help people, maybe adults maybe children at this point I don't know but I will be doing something that changes lives.
My new little friend |
Me and Maggi as Flashlights! |

Monday was Mini 2...it went fine of course you all know me and I wanted it to have gone better but we'll take it :-) but Monday was also HALLOWEEN and so Maggi and I set out to make our very creative costumes. We bought all the supplies and 12 rolls of duck-tape, 2 pie tins, 2 push lamps, and 1 black sharpie later + multiple hours of hard work = 2 Very cute FLASH LIGHTS... we went to Champs for their halloween costume in our duck-tape dresses and won 3rd place in the costume contest! Most people didn't know what we were but we got lots of complements on our creativity and ingenuity. Hey in a country that doesn't celebrate Halloween you have to work with what you've got around you! We were a hit and we definitely lit up the night :-)
Me as a Flashlight! |
Big news...I've decided that for 5th semester I am going to be going to Miramar, FL. I did my research and most of my friends will be in the area during my 5th semester. So FL here I come. I will move down in Jan. and be there till the end of April, but hey its America and I will get to road trip from CT to FL 24 hour drive lol should be interesting..hmm what states to stop at along the way?
Well i'm sure you are all exhausted from this read so till next time....