Friday, September 16, 2011

Trip to the Hospital....

Hey everyone...

       So yesterday I went to the hospital in the capital of Dominica, Roseau, for my very first hospital rotation. As many of you know once I finish on the island and write my boards. I will have to complete semesters 6-10 which are clinical rotations in the hospitals. These rotations will be in a variety of fields like surgery, ER, internal medicine, OB/GYN, Pediactrics, Ortho. Etc. and will be the learning/hands on experience that I use to determine which type of Dr. I want to be. Yesterday I got my very first taste of what a "rotation" will be like. I went to Princess Margret Hospital where we were each assigned a different rotation. I was assigned to Pathology, which meant that I would get to see an autopsy. Ahhh my very first autopsy. But I was relieved to know that one of my favorite professors here at Ross was doing the Autopsy, Dr. Nine! So I changed into my scrubs and off I went with my partner Zeeshan to the Pathology department where we had a presentation about pathology in general before going into the autopsy. Then into the autopsy room we went...I am not going to give details for those of you with weak stomach's and for a few other reasons but lets just say I put on my gloves, mask, face shield, gown, booties and we watched as Dr. Nine performed a forensic directed autopsy. Let me just tell you people...its NOT at all like TV or the movies! It is also completely different from being in the anatomy lab with the cadavers. The entire experience was one of a kind, the sights, the smells, the feeling was very very different. When it was over I was happy that I had been given the opportunity to experience it and see what goes on. I also realized that pathology is one field I can most likely cross of my list of things I want to do. I need that personal connection with people getting to know who they are, where they've been, what makes them smile and laugh, and cry.

After our very minute lunch break it was off to the ward in our white coats to go see a patient. We were split in groups to see a patient, take an interview, do a physical examination and then meet up with the patients Dr. to talk about the case. We had to tell the Dr. what we thought was wrong and what we thought should be done to treat the patient. It was an amazing learning experience because my patient had one set of symptoms and we thought he had one thing so we had our diagnosis and then the Dr. let us look at his EKG for a minute and we were shocked so we kind of changed our diagnosis. After presenting our case and talking to the Dr. he asked us why we changed our diagnosis and we explained it was because of the EKG and what the machine had said and he told us that you NEVER go only by what a machine says because they make mistakes too and it is important to trust your logic and your own investigative skills. So our original diagnosis before seeing the EKG was correct! Lesson be learned if it looks like a dog and barks like a dog but a Dr. tells you its a cat...guess what..Its a DOG! Trust yourself and what you found and use the machines to HELP you but not to give you all the answers.

So that was my day at the the way the hospital is a very interesting place. far different than any hospital in the US. and the nurses still wear classic nurse outfits with the white skirts and the little white hats lol so funny!

Till next time....

Sunday, September 11, 2011

2 Great Articles!

Hey Everyone! Look at this 2 posts in one day...I think I deserve a gold star (I wish med school gave gold star's lol) anyway I wanted to share two links to two wonderfully written articles. The first is an article that was written about my good friend Maggi here at Ross! She is from Vancouver and her local paper wrote this article over break! Take a look she is quite the girl :-). Maggi's Newspaper Story

The second Link is from the story that the very talented Mike Chaiken wrote about my time here at Ross. Mike and I got together for a chat while I was home over last Christmas break. Mike is an outstandingly talented photographer and is also an editor for the Bristol Observer so if you feel like taking a look at his piece here it is :-). Island Life Behind a Book

4th Semester! Sorry for Missing an entire semester of blogging!

Hey everyone!

       I know I know This blog post is about 4 months over-due! By the space between the time of my last post I'm sure you have an idea of the type of semester I had last semester. So this blog will be filled and hopefully informative :-). Last semester was my 3rd semester, in school I studied Bugs and Drugs all semester so Microbiology and Pharmacology. There were three blocks: Fundamentals, Muscle-skeletal and Heme and Lymph, and Cardio-Respiratory. Cardio-Respiratory was my favorite and by far my most successful of my blocks. All semester I had an amazing tutor group. My friends Luke and Corey (who are both brilliant by the way) began tutoring and so I was first to sign up for their weekly tutor sessions. The group was small but it was perfect we were spoiled with the best tutors at Ross and there were only three tutee's Me, Maggi, and Kyle! I owe my super tutors a huge thank you for all of their amazing teaching and great tips and tricks for success :-).

Thats all you get about school b/c it was a crazy semester and I studied my Butt off but now on to the fun stuff...the 1 day a month I took off and the extra actual medical stuff I learned over the semester! I learned how to put in a chest tube practicing on the cadavers, I also was able to practice my suture skills. I learned how to run/perform a CODE and guess what!? We saved the Sim-Man!! I also even more fun learned how to place an IV. We practiced on one another and my brave friend Luke let me use him as a pin cushion for my very first human stick ever! I was successful 2 out of 3 sticks and I think he only had a bruise for a while..oops lol. Practice makes perfect right?! Last semester I was also on the executive board for the Pediatric Student Association and was able to organize my own clinic where we gave free physicals to about 115 children. Being part of Ped's was a great experience and I loved getting to participate in all of the other clinics that we held as an organization to help the children of Dominica! I even was on the Dominica National News which was interesting because its not just a local news but the news for the whole country!

As you all know I take the day after an exam off and so 3rd semester I was able to do some pretty fun things. Jay came to visit and we went on a hidden 7 waterfall hike that was absolutely a once in a lifetime experience. We also rented a catamaran and went on a cruise w/ 50 friends on the cruise we saw dolphins and a sea turtle it was an amazing day off! Also last semester we went to the 4th semester banquet to have a fun night with our 4th semester friends. So a lot of my friends were 4ths, some of my closest in fact so saying good-bye to them was super sad and happy. I was so happy for them all to be going on to 5th semester in Miami and Michigan where I know they will all be successful, but its sad because I will miss them all dearly during my final semester here on the island...its not a goodbye its just a see you soon! So with that I say to you all I promise to try and write more this semester...its the last one then off to where? Miami or Michigan?? I need to start thinking about where I want to go for 5th, any suggestions?

OMG I needed to save the best for last! I got to take a weekend getaway during 3rd to be in Nicole Fuggetta and Tom Kaczerski's wedding. It was the most special time and I am blessed that they asked me be part of their special day! It was the most fun wedding I've ever been to it was PERFECT down to every detail!

Till Next Time.....
Booze Cruise

Me doing a Cardio Exam for the Special Olympics Athletes

Everyone At Banquet

Jay and I at Banquet

Greatest Tutor Group Ever at Banquet

Kyle Doing a Cardio Exam @ A Ped's Clinic
Me and the Beautiful Bride Nicole